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Brown Rice Tabbouleh

Brown Rice Tabbouleh

  • Serves: 6
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Prep time:
  • Cooking time:
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    1 cup                                                   cooked Spekko Saman Brown Rice

    1                                                          small cucumber diced

    250 ml (1 cup)                                    diced, ripe tomatoes

    1/2                                                       red onion, finely chopped

    250 ml (1 cup)                                     flat-leaf parsley, most of the stalks discarded, leaves washed and dried

    250 ml (1 cup)                                     mint leaves (no stems), washed and dried

    1/4 tsp                                                 ground cinnamon

    1/2 tsp                                                 ground allspice (or Lebanese seven-spice mixture)

    1/4 tsp                                                 finely ground black pepper

    salt to taste

    juice of 1 lemon, or to taste

    150 ml (2/3 cup)                                  extra virgin olive oil


    Toss all the ingredients together and serve.