Spekko Rice Celebrity Cook-Off Pop-up Event is all the Rage
If at all, you know your saffron from your turmeric, your milk tart from your pasteis de nata and your …
Read more >24/03/2016 9:00 am
Setting New Standards in Dining
“Spekko Rice is setting new standards in dining” said Azelia Morkel, marketing manager for Die Burger newspaper, in her welcome speech at this year’s KKNK gourmet dinners.“And”, she said, “... Read more >
01/08/2015 9:00 am
“Old and New, Bitter and Sweet...
Heritage South African food is under the spotlight this weekend at The Palms Market in Woodstock where Spekko Rice will be staging another first: The launch of a new cookbook and a Celebrity cook-off with ... Read more >
13/06/2015 10:00 am
Editors Battle it Out in Celebri...
Its food editor against food editor on 13 June in a race for the Spekko Celebrity Chef Cook-off crownHerman Lensing, flavour of the day chef, alias Sarie magazine food editor, will be do... Read more >
28/03/2015 9:00 am
Emile Celebrity Cook-Off Winner
Duck and an unrestrained pinotage won the day. Esteemed wine blogger Emile Joubert won the Spekko Rice Celebrity Cook-Off challenge on 28 March at The Palms in Woodstock.His Portuguese i... Read more >
28/03/2015 9:00 am
Spekko Celebrity Cook-Off 28 Mar...
He is the one blogger of which one can say that he knows his port from his chardonnays; his chickens from his hamburgers and his corks from his screw tops. Emile Joubert, food writer, restaurant critic and... Read more >